One in three women around the world are victims of violence against women, which is still a societal problem. In 2022, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) released a study that showed 450,000 murders related to female intimate partners or family members around the world. In 2021, about 17,800 of these victims were in Asia.

An Action Aid report in 2015 which covered 7 cities in Bangladesh revealed that women faced 84% verbal abuse, including insulting comments and sexually abusive language, 57% experienced sexual harassment, and 22% lived in fear of rape in the past year. Shahnaj Parvin, a nursing officer at the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery (DGNM), asserted that there are around 44,000 nurses in health complexes all over the country, with 26,000 providing maternal and child health services. A study following a year of the Covid-19 pandemic on workplace violence against Bangladeshi registered nurses on 1,264 nurses from 2 divisions revealed that 70% of them were victims of workplace violence, and 14.8% were verbally harassed.