“It doesn’t matter at all if someone does not go to the USA crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a 20 hour plane journey”, says PM Sheikh Hasina

  • June 4, 2023

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Source: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina remarked on Saturday that it makes no difference if someone does not travel to the United States on a 20-hour aircraft ride over the Atlantic Ocean.

“Other oceans and continents exist in the world; we will make friends with those continents as we cross the other oceans.” “Our economy will be stronger, more developed, and more vibrant,” she stated emphatically.

The prime minister made the remarks while addressing a function to launch the Dhaka district Awami League’s office building in Dhaka’s Tejgaon neighborhood.

Bangladesh, she declared, will stand on its own two feet, and the government will build the country.

“We will not be dependent on others who will deny us visas or impose sanctions…it is pointless to think about that,” she stated.

Hasina, on the other hand, asked the US to look at the party that rigged ballots and messed with people’s fate, referring to the BNP.

She added that the BNP has been declared a terrorist organization by the Canadian High Court.

“The United States did not grant Tarique Zia a visa because of his involvement in terrorism and corruption,” she continued.

Hasina, also the President of the ruling Awami League, stated that her party understands what is best for the people of Bangladesh.

“With that in mind, we always work to keep the country in the developing country category.” By 2041, the country will be a developed one. “We also established Delta Plan 2100 for future generations,” she added.

She stated that she had faith in the people of the country. “They know that only by voting for Boat (the Awami League’s electoral symbol) will their fate be changed,” she explained.

She also warned Awami League leaders and workers that people will repay you if you make sacrifices for them.

“You must keep that in mind. You must fortify the organization so that no malevolent force can play duck and drake with the fate of the Bangladeshi people. It is our job to deliver the country’s people from the clutches of the evil power,” she stated.

The prime minister expressed sadness that the BNP, which is involved in arson terrorism, grenade assaults, and terrorism activities, is preaching about democracy.

Concerning the budget for the fiscal year 2023-24, she stated that the administration is confident in its ability to implement it.

“They’re singing the same old songs they sing during every budget period,” she remarked.

Sheikh Hasina stated that the administration has achieved amazing progress in Bangladesh.

“This occurred because the people of the country voted Awami League to power in the 2008, 2014, and 2018 elections, and there is a stable and democratic environment prevailing in the country, which resulted in this unprecedented economic development,” she explained.

She stated that if the country’s stability had not been preserved and the Awami League had not been in power, this type of progress would not have been conceivable.

“This is the reality; no one would work for the people of the country,” the Prime Minister added.
