Mahila Anjuman demands fingerprints instead of face photos on NID cards for veiled women

  • June 19, 2023

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Source: Dhaka Tribune Bangla

The Mahila Anjuman Darbar Sharif Razarbagh has demanded that veiled women be handed National Identity Cards (NIDs) based on fingerprints rather than facial photographs.

This demand was expressed by Mahila Anjuman spokeswoman Sharmin Yasmin during a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity on Monday (June 19) morning.

In a press conference, it was proposed in the “Identity Registration Act 2023” to make face masks optional for NID, to introduce fingerprint identification and appearance to prevent crime, corruption, and proxy in all places throughout the state, such as offices, courts, factories, educational institutes, or exam halls, and to use a woman’s face if necessary. If any collaboration is necessary, including seeing, six items are required, including arranging for women’s cooperation in different locations.

According to the press conference, now that the Ministry of Home Affairs is in charge of NID, Mahila Anjuman is hopeful that the Ministry of Home Affairs will prioritize the issue of veiled women and provide NID facilities while respecting their religious rights.
