Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Muhammad Yunus and three other top executives at Grameen Telecom were given six months in jail today for breaking labor laws. The decision was made by Sheikh Merina Sultana, who is the head of the Third Labour Court of Dhaka. After the verdict, Yunus and the other three officials each came forward with their own bail requests. The judge approved their requests and freed them for one month.

The case was brought to court on September 9, 2021, by Labor Inspector (General) SM Arifuzzaman of the Inspection for Factories and Establishments Department. Case records say that on August 16, 2021, IFED officials investigated in the office of Grameen Telecom in Mirpur, which is in the capital, and found several violations of labor laws.
In a letter sent to the leaders of Grameen Telecom on August 19, that year, the department said that 67 of its workers were going to be hired full-time. The case statement said that it was not done. Also, the participation and welfare funds for workers had not yet been set up, and 5% of the company’s dividends that were meant to be paid to workers had not been.