PM Sheikh Hasina announces introduction of ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Peace Prize’

  • May 28, 2023

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Source: The Financial Express

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Peace Prize will be created to honor people who work for peace at home and around the world.

“We want peace, and we will definitely move in the direction of peace,” she said at a ceremony on Sunday to mark 50 years since Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was given the Joliot-Curie Peace Medal, according to UNB.

The prime minister said in a strong voice that Bangladesh does not want any trouble or fights in the world.

The event was put on at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), and the PM was in charge.

In her speech, Sheikh Hasina said that Bangladesh has made a lot of progress on the social and economic fronts in the last 14 years because it has been a peaceful, free country since 2008.

She said that her party, the Awami League, which won the election in 2008 and formed the government in 2009, was to thank for the success.

Hasina said that since her government got the people’s vote in 2008, it has been working in a planned way to help the country grow.

“As a result, we’ve been able to lower the number of people living in poverty and die during childbirth, as well as improve literacy and life expectancy,” she said.

“So, for the people to be economically free, they need a peaceful, stable environment,” she said. “Everyone needs to remember that.”
