The Oxford Dictionary word of the year 2023 is ‘rizz’, an internet slang for romantic appeal or charm, mostly used by young people. It was 1 of 8 words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, emotions or vibes of 2023. The shortlist came from a public poll, after which Oxford lexicographers made the ultimate word of the year decision.

If you’re not from Generation Z, the word might not mean anything to you.
But a lot of people use it online. For example, the word “rizz” has been seen billions of times on TikTok.
Oxford University Press [OUP], which puts out the Oxford English Dictionary [OED], says it means style, charm, or attractiveness, as well as the ability to get a sexual or love partner.
It is thought that the word comes from the word “charisma” shortened.
Source: BBC