Everything about the game is great, from the original story to the graphics and sound. But the stunning 3D model of the IUT campus is what has caught many people’s attention the most. Three third-year students at IUT’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) made this game for their Computer Graphics class project. Their names are Ramisa Zaman Audhi, Samnun Azfar, and Shams Farhan Ivan.

IUT’s nickname, “Red Heaven”, is found in the name of the game, aMIDst Red. The plot of the story is about a character who has to find missing midterm scripts on campus. They can either walk or drive to get to the scripts. This is where the recreation of the school comes in. Audhi, Azfar, and Ivan mostly used 3D assets they made from scratch to do this. Sketchfab, Quixel Bridge, and Unreal Marketplace are some of the third-party products that were used. The way the map is made makes it easy to take a virtual tour of the school. All the important spots, like the academic buildings, dorms, and cafeteria, have been perfectly recreated. “We wanted to provide a virtual tour for IUT students as well as those of other institutions, and give a taste of nostalgia for the alumni. It might also be useful for the future aspirants,” shared Audhi.
Source: Daily Star