On Tuesday, Britain suggested new age-check guidelines to keep kids from accessing pornography online. One idea was to use AI-based technology to check if a viewer seems to be of legal age. In Britain, you have to be at least 18 years old to watch porn.

The regulator said that its advice for figuring out someone’s age by looking at their features using AI. To do that, you’d probably need to take a selfie and share it.
The government watchdog said its suggested rules would include credit card checks and photo identification matching, where a user would have to upload a photo ID like a passport or driver’s license to show their age. Open banking was another idea. This means that people can agree for their bank to share information with online porn sites to make sure they are over 18.
A free-market think tank called the Institute of Economic Affairs said that making people prove their age would violate their privacy and leave them open to abuse because third parties would have more private information about them.
Source: Economic Times