During a campus-hosted vigil on Friday, a University of Massachusetts Amherst student was apprehended based on allegations of punching a Jewish student and spitting on the flag of Israel, according to officials. The occurrence transpired during a “Bring Them Home: Solidarity Walk and Installation” orchestrated by UMass Hillel, an on-campus Jewish organization. The organization stated that the event featured vacant seats at a Shabbat table symbolizing the 240 individuals held captive by Hamas.

At the event, the suspect walked through the gathering “aggressively giving people the middle finger,” UMass Amherst Hillel said in a statement. After the event ended and event security had left, the same student came back and then punched a Jewish student holding an Israeli flag, took the flag and spit on it, the organization said. The assaulted student was not injured, school officials said. UMass Police looked into it and the student, unidentified, was arrested that night and released on bail with a condition of not returning to campus.
Source: NBC News