WHO drops plan of sending medical aid to north Gaza over security issues

  • January 9, 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) has cancelled an attempt to bring medical supplies to northern Gaza due to lack of safety guarantees. Since December 26, this is the fourth occasion that the WHO has had to cancel a mission.

It is very difficult to safely and regularly send medical supplies across Gaza, especially in the north, because of the heavy bombing, restrictions on movement, and broken communications. It was planned that the supply would keep five hospitals in the northern part of the enclave running. Eylon Levy, a spokesman for the Israeli government, has not given any information on what the WHO said and has instead referred questions to the Israel Defense Forces.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was shocked by how many people in northern Gaza needed medical help and how badly things had been damaged. He also warned that more delays could cause many more people to die or suffer. Due to more Israeli military action, the International Rescue Committee and the Medical Aid for Palestinians charity have also had to pull out of Al-Aqsa Hospital in the Middle Area of Gaza and stop their work there.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/who-cancels-delivery-medical-supplies-north-gaza-due-unsafe-conditions-2024-01-08/
