Women surrenders herself to police after murdering husband who beat her for dowry

  • June 22, 2023

Source: Dhaka Tribune

After slashing her husband to death over being beaten by him for dowry, a lady surrendered to police.

The incident occurred early Thursday on Rayerbagh Sadiq Khan Road in the Mohammadpur police station region of the capital.

According to National Emergency Service 999 Police Inspector (Public Relations) Anwar Sattar, Banu Begum, 31, dialed 999 and reported the incidence of hacking her husband Md Shahin Mia, 40. He stated that the woman contacted and said she had killed her husband with a sharp object and wanted to turn herself in to police.

The police inspector further stated that Banu Begum, who was arrested during the initial interrogation, stated that she is the dead Shamim Mia’s second wife. They were having marital problems. Her husband frequently abused her for dowry. She eventually killed herself because she was fed up with her husband.
