Bangladesh ranks 37th in military power in the world, 4th in South Asia

  • January 15, 2024

Bangladesh has been ranked 37th in the annual Global Firepower review, 2024. The country went up 3 spots since 2023 when it ranked 40th. Among South Asian nations, Bangladesh is currently in the 4th position in terms of military strength.

India, Pakistan, and Myanmar are ahead, while Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan are behind Bangladesh. The United States is at the top of the list with a PowerIndex score of 0.0699, followed by Russia, China, India, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan, Turkey, Pakistan, and Italy.

Bangladesh’s neighboring countries include India in 4th place, Pakistan in 9th place, Myanmar in 35th place, Sri Lanka 75st, and Nepal in 128th place.

