Every newborn to get a unique ID

  • June 12, 2023

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Source: The Daily Star

The Cabinet approved the draft “National Identity Registration Act 2022” today, which includes the provision of assigning a unique identity number to each birth, which will serve as his or her lifelong identity.

There will be no need for any other number. This number will be assigned to him or her. And this figure is immutable, said Cabinet Secretary Mahbub Hossain during a press conference at the secretariat.

Every citizen under the age of 18 will be assigned a unique number. The primary goal of this initiative is to eliminate confusion. Citizens currently receive distinct numbers from several organizations, which causes confusion. He stated, “We want to overcome it.”

Every individual will now have this one-of-a-kind number for the rest of his or her life. Various government services will be offered to him or her via this unique number, according to the cabinet secretary.

The decision was made today in the Prime Minister’s Office at a cabinet meeting presided over by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The government will, however, determine when the act will take into effect.

“Normally, an act takes effect after it is published in the gazette.” “However, the government will set the date for the implementation of this act,” Mahbub Hossain stated.
