The University Teachers’ Network is a platform of university teachers in Bangladesh. On Friday they have rejected Bangladesh’s upcoming general election. They said that another ‘unacceptable’ election like those in 2014 and 2018 was going to take place in the country.

DU Professor Gitiara Nasreen sent an open letter to the Bangladeshi people on behalf of the platform, showing concern and frustration over the upcoming election.
The platform asserted that as the previous 2 national elections were questionable, the whole governance system now has a lack of transparency. The UTN said that during this time, major human rights and constitutional rights of the people of the country, especially freedom of speech and gathering, have been clearly violated. At the same time, it said, unfair distribution of wealth, a biased judiciary, and threats from the ruling party have caused a reign of fear.
Everyone worked together to make sure the election was free, competitive, and fair, based on what everyone agreed on. “But we were let down,” UTN said. It also said that the upcoming election will not be able to give the people anything other than more power for the present ruling party.