• This morning, police used teargas canisters and sound grenades to disperse garment factory workers who had blocked the Mirpur neighborhood of Dhaka in order to demand a wage increase. Assistant Commissioner (zone of Mirpur) Hasan Mohtarim stated that four law enforcement officers were injured when the workers hurled brick chips at them. When Kafrul police were attempting to convince the workers to free the road, the workers attacked them with brick chips around 11:30am, the police officer said.

    Several helmet-wearing, stick-welding outsiders were among the laborers, according to the AC. However, some workers alleged that Awami League activists also joined the police while dispersing them. Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) personnel were stationed there, but no action was taken, local reporters reported. RMG workers blocked the main road at Mirpur-11 for the third consecutive day around 8:30 a.m., impeding traffic in the area as they demanded a pay increase. They also demanded the arrest of those who assaulted protesting workers in the last two days. Our reporter on the scene reports that workers also threatened to vandalize vehicles attempting to traverse that section of the roadway. “We are continuing our peaceful protest for a wage increase,” said one of the employees. However, we were assaulted. The attackers have not yet been captured. “No one cares about our lives,” a protesting worker stated.

    Source: The Daily Star

  • Switzerland modified the blood donation requirements for men who have sexual relations with other men, making the criteria for eligibility identical for homosexuals and heterosexuals.

    A four-month waiting period applies to all individuals, heterosexual or homosexual, after their last sexual encounter with a new partner, or a 12-month waiting period if they have had sexual contact with more than two partners in the preceding four months. A policy dating back to the beginning of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s prohibited homosexual males from donating blood in Switzerland until 2017. Since then, men who engage in sexual activity with other males are only permitted to donate blood if 12 months have passed since their last homosexual encounter.

    Source: Reuters

  • Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina launched the local currency card TakaPay today in an effort to reduce reliance on international card networks such as Visa and Mastercard and save much-needed US dollars. Bangladesh Bank issued the card, first of its kind, in Bangladesh.

    Prime Minister Hasina launched the card from the Gono Bhaban. She was virtually linked to the headquarters of the state-owned Sonali Bank, the privately-owned City Bank, and the Brac Bank. The three institutions have been tasked with issuing the TakaPay card in conjunction with the central bank. TakaPay will provide services on a national scale using “The National Payment Switch of Bangladesh,” a BB-operated electronic payment platform. The card can initially be used within the country. Later, the central bank will issue a Taka-Rupee card that can be used to make purchases in India. The Visa and MasterCard payment networks of business institutions, including banks and other financial institutions, facilitate the electronic transfer of taka.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/news/pm-launches-takapay-the-first-local-currency-card-3458716

  • In accordance with the new ‘Internship Policy 2023’ issued by the Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladeshi graduates and postgraduates may now intern at government, semi-government, autonomous, and private institutions. According to official sources, this policy seeks to increase the professional qualifications of local youth through internships at government, private, and commercial institutions. The objectives of this policy also include assisting graduates combine work experience with textbook knowledge, receive practical training from local institutions, and get familiarised with the workings of government offices.

    This internship opportunity is open to Bangladeshi citizens with a graduate or postgraduate degree. However, applicants must submit their applications within two years of completing their graduate/postgraduate degree or equivalent. Each candidate may only submit an internship application to a government office once. Applicants will be selected based on merit as well as their subject matter knowledge, as determined by the concerned institution. Each fiscal year, the government will determine the number of internship opportunities available. In addition, government agencies must now publish internship recruitment advertisements to attract recent college graduates. The recruitment posts will need to include contact details of the organisation, required eligibility, and explicit instructions on how to apply for the internship.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/tech-startup/news/government-offices-offer-internships-graduates-3458996

  • Tariq and Manal Hamouda are in disbelief over the loss of three generations of their family, which occurred thousands of miles away in the violence of the siege in Gaza. The Palestinian Americans residing in Maple Grove, Minnesota, say it’s been over a week since they learned 42 of their relatives had been killed in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and they still cannot completely comprehend the news.

    Hamouda reports that his wife, whose maiden name is Saqallah, lost four brothers, a sister, and the majority of their children when two explosions obliterated the Saqallah family compound in the Sheikh Ejleen neighborhood of Gaza City on October 19. According to Hamouda and his family, it was an Israeli airstrike. Since October 7, Israel has launched numerous airstrikes against Gaza City, including multiple strikes that day. CNN is unable to corroborate independently that it was an Israeli strike. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that it was unable to remark without the house’s coordinates. Fearing retribution, the family declined to provide CNN with the coordinates.

    Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/world/palestinian-american-family-relatives-killed-gaza/index.html

  • FIFA has verified that Saudi Arabia will host the men’s 2034 World Cup after receiving the sole bid for the tournament. Tuesday, hours before FIFA’s deadline for expressions of interest, Australia opted not to submit a proposal to host the tournament. Morocco, Portugal, and Spain are the only candidates for the 2030 tournament, which will also be held in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In late 2024, a FIFA congress will affirm the hosts.

    Football Australia chief executive James Johnson said bidding for the World Cup wasn’t going to be favourable to Australia. He said: “Saudi is a strong bid. They have a lot of resources, and not just [for] the 2034 World Cup. “They are disrupting European football paying higher dollars. This is a disruption in the market and that is what positions Saudi in a strong way. From the government, top down they are prioritising investment in football. That is difficult to compete with.”

    Source: https://www.reuters.com/sports/soccer/australia-will-not-bid-2034-world-cup-fa-2023-10-31/

  • Four individuals were detained for waving the Palestinian flag during the Pakistan-Bangladesh World Cup cricket match at Eden Gardens stadium on Tuesday, police said. Two are from Jharkhand, and the other two are from Kolkata’s Ekbalpore and neighboring Howrah, according to a senior police officer. “We have detained two of them for waving the Palestinian flag near Gate 6, and two more for doing so in Block G1.” We are trying to figure out their motive,” the IPS officer told PTI.

    The initial investigation revealed that the four individuals, who are in their mid-twenties, were protesting the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and chose the international match for their demonstration.

    Source: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/4-detained-for-waving-palestinian-flag-during-pak-bangladesh-match-in-kolkata-cops-4533338

  • বর্ষাকালে মুরগি এমনিতে একটু কম ডিম পাড়ে বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা। দ্রব্যমূল্যের ঊর্ধ্বগতির প্রসঙ্গ টেনে তিনি বলেন, “বর্ষাকালে মুরগি এমটিতেই একটু কম ডিম পাড়ে। ডিমের দাম বাড়ল কেন, সেটা নিয়ে চিৎকার। এরপর যখন বললাম আমদানি করব, তার আগে দাম গেল কমে।” মঙ্গলবার (৩১ অক্টোবর) বেলজিয়াম সফর-পরবর্তী সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এসব কথা বলেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী।

    কৃত্রিম সংকট সৃষ্টির অভিযোগ তোলে শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, “এখন আবার আলুর দাম বৃদ্ধিতে বাণিজ্যমন্ত্রী বলছেন, আলুও আমদানি করা হবে। আলু পচাবে তবুও দাম কমাবে না। এটা তো ঠিক না। সেজন্য আমি বলেছি, দোকানে দোকানে না, যারা এগুলো মজুত করে তাদেরকে ধরতে হবে। ইতোমধ্যে সেই নির্দেশনাও দেওয়া হয়েছে।” গণমাধ্যমের সহায়তা চেয়ে সরকারপ্রধান বলেন, “এজন্য গণমাধ্যমের সহায়তাও দরকার। মানুষের কষ্টটা যাতে না হয়, সেজন্য সরকার সচেতন রয়েছে।”

    Source: Dhaka Tribune

  • Hamza Choudhury, a midfielder for Leicester City, says he is “sorry for any offense he may have caused” with a social media comment often interpreted as pro-Palestinian nationalism. Monday, Choudhury posted “From river to sea” alongside an image of the Palestinian flag on X, formerly Twitter. Critics argue that the phrase implies Israel’s annihilation, but some pro-Palestinian protesters disagree. Choudhury, 26, stated that his post was “unfortunately misconstrued.”

    The former England Under-21 midfielder, who deleted the post on Tuesday, stated in a statement, “It was never my intention to offend anyone, but rather to express sympathy for the innocent people who are suffering.”I apologize for any offense caused by this. I share the hope of people around the globe that a peaceful resolution to this conflict will end the ongoing suffering of innocent people.” The Football Association is reportedly aware of Choudhury’s original post and contemplating whether it violates any regulations. The Championship club Leicester stated, “We have discussed the matter with Hamza and shared our concerns that views expressed in this manner – without sufficient context on a deeply nuanced and sensitive topic – are susceptible to misinterpretation, which risks unintentional offense to certain segments of our communities.

    Source: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/67261620

  • সংবাদ সম্মেলনে সাংবাদিক মঞ্জুরুল আহসান বুলবুল প্রশ্ন করেন, ‘কোন বিদেশি শক্তি আমাদের চোখ রাঙাচ্ছে আমাদের সরকারের দিকে? নির্বাচন নিয়ে আমরা অনিশ্চয়তার মধ্যে আছি। নির্বাচন কি আদৌ হবে? বা যথাসময়ে হবে? নাকি জরুরি ব্যবস্থা আসবে?’ জবাবে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘নির্বাচন হবে যথাসময়েই হবে। কে চোখ রাঙাল আর কে চোখ বাঁকাল, আমরা তার পরোয়া করি না। কারণ অনেক সংগ্রাম করে ভোট ও ভাতের আন্দোলন করেই আমরা বাংলাদশে গণতন্ত্র প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছি।’ তিনি বলেন, ‘গণতন্ত্র থাকলে, নির্বাচিত সরকার থাকলে, বিশেষ করে আওয়ামী লীগ সরকার থাকলে যে দেশের উন্নতি হয়, এটা আপনারা নিশ্চয়ই বিশ্বাস করেন।’

    প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, ‘আমরা মাত্র সময় পেয়েছি ১৪ বছর। এর মধ্যে যে উন্নয়ন হয়েছে, এটা শুধু ঢাকার মেট্রোরেল, এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়ে বা টানেল দিয়ে না, সারা বাংলাদেশে। পরিবর্তন আমি তৃণমূল থেকে করেছি।’ নির্বাচনের আগে সংলাপের প্রসঙ্গ তুলে প্রধানমন্ত্রী আরও বলেন, ‘যারা খুন করার পরেও বলে ডায়ালগ করতে হবে। কার সঙ্গে ডায়ালগ করতে হবে? ট্রাম্প সাহেবের সঙ্গে কি বাইডেন ডায়ালগ করছে? যেদিন ট্রাম্প আর বাইডেন ডায়ালগ করবে, সেদিন আমিও ডায়ালগ করব। কার সাথে ডায়ালগ, খুনিদের সাথে কীসের ডায়ালগ?’

    Source: https://bangla.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news-528576

  • Due to strikes called by the BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami on Sunday, a groom comes over all the way from UK via helicopter for his wedding at Kushiara International Convention Center located in Sylhet. The groom and bride both returned to the UK via airway after the wedding event concluded.

    The uncle of the groom said that the groom is an expatriate from Sylhet, Bangladesh who is currently residing in the UK. The groom wanted to arrive in this manner and they made sure to make it happen. He has also asked for everyone’s blessings for the newlyweds.

    Source: https://www.rtvonline.com/amp/country/245816/হরতাল-তাই-হেলিকপ্টারে-কনে-আনলেন-বর

  • On the very first day the Bangabandhu Tunnel under the Karnaphuli River in Chattogram was open to traffic, cars were observed exceeding the speed limit. The violation of traffic regulations was reported to the police and higher authorities after the CCTV camera captured the hazardous race. On Saturday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated Bangladesh’s first tunnel of its kind. According to bdnews24.com, the tunnel was opened to traffic at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday.

    The race was captured on video Sunday evening. The video of the race went viral on social media and was shared on multiple Facebook pages. Five were black, two were red, one was blue, one was white, and one was gray. They were racing through the tunnel and overtaking each other. “We have collected the video of the cars. They were seen practising different stunts on the road in the China Economic Zone,” said Tanveer Rifa, assistant engineer of the tunnel.

    “Then they entered the tunnel from the Anowara end and were speeding. The CCTV camera caught it. They were overtaking each other and performing stunts inside the tunnel.” Tanveer said the police and higher authorities gave assurances of taking action once the cars were identified.

    Source: https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/national/cars-race-inside-bangabandhu-tunnel

  • If necessary, the United States will support democracy in Bangladesh, said US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller on Monday. Matthew Miller made the remark in response to a query about Bangladesh during the State Department’s routine press briefing.

    During the briefing, a journalist stated, “We have seen your statement from the weekend concerning the assaults on the opposition’s rally and the violence in Bangladesh. The police essentially orchestrated this violence, and the internet was cut down prior to the rally. Since then, the police have arrested hundreds of opposition politicians, including the BNP’s secretary general and the families of opposition leaders, and lodged a hundred cases against them. How does the United States respond to this situation?”

    Matthew Miller replied, “We condemn the political violence that took place in Dhaka on 28 October. The reported killing of a police officer, a political activist, and the burning of a hospital and buses are unacceptable, as is violence against civilians, including journalists. “We encourage the authorities to thoroughly investigate the incidents at the 28 October rally and to hold those responsible for violence accountable. The holding of free and fair elections is the responsibility of everyone – voters, political parties, the government.”

    Source: https://en.prothomalo.com/bangladesh/gjjxt1zeb8

  • Workers of a garment factory in Mirpur-11 reported that rod-wielding intruders entered their workplace and assaulted them during a silent demonstration for a minimum wage increase.

    As of 1:30 p.m., the entire neighborhood of Mirpur 11 had been enclosed off, the metro station was closed, and law enforcement officers were seen turning away vehicles and individuals. A worker told one of our correspondents that around 9:30 a.m., a large group of outsiders armed with sticks and rods entered the factory and began threatening the employees, resulting in a brawl. According to the workers, the intruders forced them out of the building and continued the assault on the streets in front of law enforcement. They were assaulted on the factory floor because they had ceased working today and were sitting at their desks, refusing to work in a protest for a minimum wage increase. Approximately sixty employees were treated at the Islami Bank Hospital in Mirpur, according to hospital personnel.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/crime-justice/news/mirpur-11-brought-standstill-after-rmg-workers-beaten-inside-factory-3457876

  • The High Court has commuted the death sentences of seven militants convicted in connection with the July 1, 2016 attack on the Holey Artisan Bakery. Justice Shahidul Karim and Justice Md Mostafizur Rahman commuted the death sentences of Jahangir Hossain, Aslam Hossain Rash, Hadisur Rahman, Rakibul Hasan Regan, Md Abdus Sabur Khan, Shariful Islam Khaled, and Mamunur Rashid Ripon to imprisonment until death on Monday.

    The court set the verdict delivery date for October 30 on October 11th. As confirmed by Deputy Attorney General Bashir Ahmed and defense attorney Ariful Islam, this decision was made following the conclusion of the case’s hearing on the death reference and appeals. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), the High Court reviews all death sentences issued by lower tribunals prior to their finalization. Five militants armed with firearms, machetes, and grenades invaded the upscale restaurant located in the diplomatic zone of Gulshan on July 1, 2016. During the attack, the assailants seized diners as hostages and then murdered three Bangladeshis, seven Japanese, nine Italians, and one Indian.

    Source: https://en.prothomalo.com/bangladesh/h2orj3txyb

  • Yesterday, wholesale and retail onion prices in Bangladesh increased as a result of India’s minimum export price of $800 per tonne. India resolved on Saturday to impose the floor price on onion exports in an effort to discourage outbound shipments and maintain domestic market stability.

    According to market participants, the decision will increase the pressure on Bangladeshi consumers, whose purchasing power has declined significantly over the past year due to rising inflation. According to an announcement from India’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade, the minimum export price will remain in effect until December 31, this year. As a result, the wholesale price of locally grown onions has increased by an average of Tk 10 per kilogram, while the wholesale price of imported onions has increased by Tk 10 to Tk 15. The general secretary of the Shyambazar Onion Wholesalers Association, Mohammad Abdul Mazed, stated that he is now selling Indian onions for Tk 100 to Tk 110 per kilogram, up from Tk 90 to Tk 95 on Saturday.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/economy/news/onion-prices-jump-overnight-3456616

  • Bangladeshi Internet users may experience temporary slowdowns or service interruptions as a consequence of ongoing maintenance and upgrade work on the country’s primary submarine cable, SEA-ME-WE 4, located in Cox’s Bazar. According to an official statement released by Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL) on Sunday, the service disruption is scheduled to occur from 2am to noon on Tuesday and Thursday.

    During these periods, some circuits connected via the SEA-ME-WE 4 submarine cable will be intermittently unavailable, potentially causing internet users temporary inconveniences. The Internet services connected to Bangladesh’s second submarine cable, SEA-ME-WE 5, located in Kuakata, will continue to operate routinely and without interruption. The upgrade project on SEA-ME-WE 4 is anticipated to result in a substantial increase in BSCCL’s bandwidth capacity, promising enhanced and more robust internet connectivity once the upgrade is complete.

    Source: https://www-dhakatribune-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.dhakatribune.com/amp/bangladesh/nation/329422/submarine-cable-upgradation-internet?

  • The BNP has called for a “countrywide blockade” on October 31, November 1, and November 2 to protest the murdering of party activists and the arrests of party leaders and activists, including its secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.

    The party has demanded elections under a non-partisan caretaker government. BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has made the announcement of the blockade at a virtual press briefing.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/politics/hartalrallies/news/bnp-calls-3-day-nationwide-blockade-tomorrow-3456251

  • A BNP leader in Faridpur claimed that his wife suffered a heart attack during a midnight police search on their home. Renjuara Begum, 40 years old, was the wife of SM Ikram Hossain, rural development affairs secretary of Charyashordi union BNP unit within Nagarkanda upazila.

    Ikram alleged that Renjuara, an assistant teacher at Chandhat Government Primary School, was alone in his home when a police team invaded it at 11:30 p.m. The police sought for him and began searching his residence. Renjuara became unwell while observing the activities of the law enforcers. According to him, the police then contacted her neighbor Robin and his wife. Ikram stated that relatives and neighbors transported her in a microbus to the Muksudpur Upazila Health Complex, where doctors pronounced her deceased. Officer-in-Charge (OC) of the Nagarkanda Police Station Miraj Hossain stated that the BNP leader’s home was searched, but nothing was done to cause alarm. He stated that he was unaware of any deaths.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/politics/hartalrallies/news/faridpur-bnp-leader-says-wife-died-heart-attack-during-police-raid-3456026

  • Rafiq Bhuiyan, a former executive committee member of a faction of the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists who was injured by police teargas lobbing during violence on a street in Dhaka on Saturday afternoon, died at BIRDEM Hospital in the city on Sunday night, the president of a Dhaka Union of Journalists faction said. Also a permanent member of the National Press Club, Rafiq was 71 years old.

    Rafiq Bhuiyan was critically injured when he fell from the rickshaw he was riding as it overturned in the Segunbagicha neighborhood of the city when a tear shell was fired by police during a confrontation with opposition activists on Saturday afternoon, according to Shohidul. He stated that Rafiq was fatally injured while traveling by rickshaw from his Madartek residence to the National Press Club. Shahidul stated that the former leader of the BFUJ faction was rushed to the BIRDEM hospital, where he died during the night.

    Source: https://www.newagebd.net/article/216249/injured-in-polices-teargas-lobbing-journalist-dies-in-dhaka-duj-faction

  • Shakib Al Hasan acknowledged that the controversies surrounding Tamim Iqbal prior to the World Cup may have affected the team’s performance at the tournament.

    Tamim Iqbal’s retirement drama tainted the buildup to the World Cup, including his dramatic resignation as captain, his dramatic exclusion from the World Cup squad, and subsequent public assaults between Tamim and Shakib.

    Shakib also said that changing coach and captain a few months ahead of the World Cup also didn’t help.

    “When you change the coach 5-6 months before the World Cup, or when you change the captain before a World Cup tournament, it is very natural that everything will change again. It is very difficult to keep the same plan.”

    Source: https://indianexpress.com/article/sports/cricket-world-cup/this-is-bangladeshs-worst-ever-world-cup-says-shakib-al-hasan-9003830/

  • On Saturday, the United States condemned the political violence surrounding the Dhaka rally of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and implored all parties to remain calm. Saturday evening, the US embassy in Dhaka issued the call in a statement posted to its verified page on X, formerly Twitter.

    The statement was uploaded following the clashes at Naya paltan between BNP activists and members of law enforcement agencies and the ruling Awami League, in which a police officer and a BNP activist were killed and dozens of political activists were injured. ‘The United States condemns the political violence that took place in Dhaka on October 28. The reported killing of a police officer, a political activist, and the burning of a hospital are unacceptable. AS is against civilians, including journalists,’ read US embassy the statement.

    ‘We call for calm and restraint on all sides. We will be reviewing all violent incidents for possible visa restrictions,’ the statement said.

    Source: https://www.newagebd.net/article/216186/us-condemns-political-violence-in-bangladesh-capital

  • A leader of Jatiyatabadi Juba Dal, the youth division of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, reportedly died on Saturday after being injured during clashes with police at Naya Paltan in Dhaka. The deceased is Shamim Molla, son of Yusuf Molla and president of unit 1 of 7 no Ward of Juba Dal in Mugda thana, Dhaka.

    BNP media cell, alluding to former Mugda thana Juba Dal general secretary Kazi Jewel, reported that Shamim was wounded in police gunfire at Naya Paltan in the afternoon and rushed to Rajarbagh Police Hospital, where he died in the evening. His corpse was stored at the hospital, according to the BNP media cell.

    Source: https://www.newagebd.net/article/216180/juba-dal-leader-killed-during-clash-with-police-in-dhaka-bnp

  • Elon Musk was responding to US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who questioned how anyone could defend “such an act” after communications and internet were cut off in the Gaza Strip last night.

    Starlink is a satellite network created by Mr. Musk’s space flight company SpaceX to provide inexpensive internet access to remote areas. The lifespan of a Starlink satellite is approximately five years, and SpaceX aims to eventually have as many as 42,000 satellites in this so-called megaconstellation.

    On Friday, Internet and phone service were completely shut off throughout the Gaza Strip as a result of intense Israeli bombardment of the Palestinian territory. Hamas accused Israel of taking the action “to perpetrate massacres with bloody retaliatory strikes from the air, land, and sea.”

    Source: https://m.timesofindia.com/world/middle-east/starlink-to-provide-services-to-internationally-recognized-aid-organizations-in-gaza-elon-musk/articleshow/104781715.cms

  • According to police officials, one of the family members poisoned his wife, three children, and parents before hanging himself.

    Seven family members, including three children under the age of eight, have been discovered deceased in Surat in what is believed to be a mass suicide. According to the police, a suicide note has been found.
    Friday at midnight, a family member poisoned his wife, three children (two daughters aged three and five, and a son aged seven), and his parents before hanging himself, according to police officials. NDTV conceals the identities of the deceased. “Seven members of a family have committed suicide. Six were poisoned and one was hanged. There are three children among the deceased. A suicide note was also discovered at the scene. It has been determined through preliminary investigation that there was a dispute regarding a monetary transaction. The investigation is ongoing, said Surat’s Deputy Commissioner of Police, Rakesh Barot.

    Source: https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/seven-members-of-family-found-dead-at-their-residence-in-gujarats-surat-police-suspect-mass-suicide/amp_articleshow/104780591.cms

  • Today’s inauguration of the Bangabandhu Tunnel by the prime minister carries high expectations, with experts and locals anticipating that it will transform Chattogram into a city similar to Shanghai and stimulate industrial development in the port city. This river tunnel, constructed in accordance with China’s “one city – two towns” concept, passes beneath the Karnaphuli river and connects Patenga in the port city to Anwara upazila on the opposite bank.

    On both sides of the river, robust economic activity and industrialization have already begun, facilitating the symmetrical inauguration of the tunnel. The tunnel is also the first river tunnel in South Asia. The tunnel is also anticipated to play a crucial role in the expansion of the tourism industry in Cox’s Bazar and Chattogram Hill Tracts. The tunnel was constructed between 18 and 31 meters beneath the river. The length of the main tunnel is 3.32 kilometers, while the length of each of the two channels with four lanes is 2.45 kilometers. In addition, there is a 5.35-kilometer connecting road at the west and east extremities of the main tunnel, as well as a 727-meter overpass at the Anwara end.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/pm-inaugurates-bangabandhu-tunnel-3454941?amp=

  • Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has called a day long Hartal on Sunday, October 29. The announcement was made by the party at midday on Saturday.
    Previously, police, BNP leaders, and activists in Bangladesh engaged in a chase-and-counterchase. At approximately 1 p.m., according to witnesses, BNP leaders and activists led a procession towards the InterContinental hotel.
    The BGB then deployed at the Kakrail Church crossing.

    Nevertheless, Additional Commissioner of Detective Branch (DB) Harun-or-Rashid told reporters in front of Kakrail Church that BNP activists attacked police in front of the Judges’ Residence Complex in Kakrail, Dhaka, earlier today.

    Source: https://www.rtvonline.com/english/bangladesh/12464/BNP-calls-Hartal-tomorrow

  • The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has ordered telecom operators to suspend internet service from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. today in Nayapaltan, where the opposition party BNP is holding a massive rally.

    According to the directive seen by The Daily Star, the directive was issued per the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs and with the approval of the posts and telecommunications division.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/news/btrc-asks-telecom-operators-shut-down-internet-9-hours-nayapaltan-3454956

  • After a Qatari court sentenced eight Indian employees of a Qatari company to death on espionage charges, the Indian government on Thursday vowed to investigate “all legal options.”

    According to Indian media reports, the eight individuals are retired Indian naval officers who advised the Qatari government on the acquisition of submarines while employed by the consulting firm Al Dahra.

    The External Affairs Ministry of India stated in a statement that it was awaiting the case’s verdict.

    It stated, “We are in contact with the family members and legal team, and we are evaluating all legal options.” We attach great significance to this case and have been closely monitoring it. We will continue to provide legal and consular assistance. We will also discuss the verdict with the Qatari government.”

    Source: https://apnews.com/article/indian-employees-death-sentence-qatar-spying-submarine-5eb329c7bd7fdc8d2fe97f5630d7c987

  • Kamil Bartoshek, a well-known Czech influencer and TV presenter, shocked everyone by dropping an enormous $1 million from a helicopter near Lysa nad Labem. Bartoshek, better known by his alias Kazma, had originally planned to give away this enormous sum in a contest to one fortunate winner. The participants were tasked with locating the money by deciphering a code hidden in Kazma’s film “Onemanshow: The Movie.” However, the puzzle proved impossible to unravel.

    In response to this circumstance, Kazma devised an alternative plan. He decided to distribute the funds to all of the registered contestants. Early on a Sunday morning, he sent them an encrypted email with the location where the money would be released. He arrived at the specified location with a helicopter at the appointed time, keeping his word.

    Kazma captured this incredible event on his official Instagram account, referring to it as the first “money rain” in history. He boasted that a million dollars had been dropped from a helicopter in the Czech Republic without causing any injuries or fatalities.

    Source: https://twitter.com/Sprinter99800/status/1717239178453295137?fbclid=IwAR3lOPw43VaWZWGCAYkSQ2qpBT1Pi8MOIxeqo16LxaBvM1ujCsTRYrK6mn0

  • ফিলিস্তিনের প্রতিরোধ সংগঠন হামাসের হাতে জিম্মি ৮৫ বছর বয়সী ইসরায়েলি নারী ইয়োশেভেদ লিফশিৎজ মুক্তি পেয়েছেন। মুক্তি পাওয়ার পর তিনি সংবাদমাধ্যমকে জানিয়েছেন হামাস যোদ্ধারা কেমন আচরণ করেছেন তার সঙ্গে। মঙ্গলবার (২৪ অক্টোবর) ইসরায়েলের তেল আবিবে একটি হাসপাতালে সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে নিজের অভিজ্ঞতা তুলে ধরেন তিনি। হাসপাতালে তার সঙ্গে ছিলেন মেয়ে শ্যারন। মায়ের পক্ষে দোভাষীর কাজ করছিলেন তিনি।

    ইসরায়েলের কিবুৎজ এলাকা থেকে হামাসের হাতে আটক হন তিনি। তাকে মোটরসাইকেলে করে গাজায় নেওয়া হয়। যাওয়ার সময় তিনি শরীরে কয়েক জায়গায় আঘাত পান। এমনকি তিনি শ্বাস নিতেও পারছিলেন না। ওই ঘটনাকে নারকীয় পরিস্থিতি বলে অভিহিত করে লিফশিৎজ বলেন, “ইসরায়েল সরকার বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ দিয়ে গাজা সীমান্তে বেড়া দিয়েছে। তবে তা হামাস যোদ্ধাদের ইসরায়েলে প্রবেশ ঠেকাতে পারেনি।” বৃদ্ধ এই নারী জানান, আটকের পর তাকে নিয়ে যাওয়ার সময় বিভিন্ন পথ পাড়ি দিতে হয়েছে। ওই সময় তাকে লাঠি দিয়ে আঘাত করা হয়। তাকে ভেজা মাটির ওপর দিয়ে কয়েক কিলোমিটার হেঁটে যেতে বাধ্য করা হয়। গাজা অঞ্চলের মাটির নিচে সুড়ঙ্গের (টানেল) একটি বড় নেটওয়ার্ক রয়েছে। যেটি মাকড়সার জালের মতো। লিফশিৎজ জানান, গাজায় নিয়ে যাওয়ার সময় তার হাতের ঘড়ি ও গয়নাগুলো নিয়ে নেওয়া হয়। তবে মোটরসাইকেল থেকে নামার পর তাকে নিতে আসা হামাস যোদ্ধারা বলেন, “আমরা পবিত্র কোরআনে বিশ্বাস করি। আমরা আপনাকে আঘাত করব না।”

    লিফশিৎজ ছাড়াও ওই সময় ২৪ জনকে সুড়ঙ্গের ভেতরে নেওয়া হয়। যেখানে মাটি নরম ও স্যাঁতসেঁতে। দুই তিন ঘণ্টা পর কিবুৎজ এলাকা থেকে জিম্মি করা পাঁচজনকে আলাদা করে একটি কক্ষে নেওয়া হয়। সেখানে তাদের জন্য নিরাপত্তারক্ষী ও চিকিৎসক ছিলেন। ইসরায়েলি এই নারী জানান, তাকে রাখা হয়েছিল পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্ন জায়গায়। সেখানে মাদুর (ম্যাট্রেস) পেতে ঘুমানোর ব্যবস্থা করা হয়েছিল। দুই–তিন দিন পরপর একজন চিকিৎসক এসে সবাইকে দেখে যেতেন। প্রয়োজনীয় ওষুধ দেওয়া হতো। এমনকি জিম্মি করে নেওয়ার সময় মোটরসাইকেল দুর্ঘটনায় আহত একজনকেও চিকিৎসা দেওয়া হয়েছিল। লিফশিৎজ জানান, প্রতি পাঁচজন জিম্মির জন্য একজন নিরাপত্তারক্ষীর ব্যবস্থা রেখেছে হামাস। তাদের সব বিষয়ে খোঁজখবর রাখা হচ্ছে। নারীদের স্বাস্থ্য সুরক্ষার বিষয়ে জানাশোনা আছে এমন নারীদেরও সেখানে দায়িত্বে রেখেছে হামাস।জিম্মি থাকাকালে কী খেতে দিয়েছে হামাস? এমন প্রশ্নে তিনি বলেন, “তাদের পনির (চিজ) ও শসা খেতে দেওয়া হয়েছিল। একই খাবার হামাস সদস্যরাও খেয়েছেন।”

    Source: https://bangla.dhakatribune.com/international/72393/

  • According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), there were approximately 8 lakh unemployed graduates in Bangladesh in 2022. According to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2022 released yesterday, the tertiary unemployment rate was 12 percent, the greatest among all levels of education.

    In the 2016-17 LFS, the unemployment rate among those with a college degree was 11.2%, indicating that the unemployment rate among educated adolescents is increasing.

    In 2022, approximately 19 percent of unemployed graduates will be women, according to the BBS, which estimated the national unemployment rate at 3.53 percent last year.

    According to the survey, the unemployment rate was low among those with a low or no level of education, but it increased as education level increased, as reported by the BBS.

    In 2022, the unemployment rate among those with a postsecondary degree was 8.87 percent, while the unemployment rate among those with a secondary education was 2.82 percent.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/business/news/nearly-8-lakh-graduates-unemployed-3453156

  • If you are on your way to the dentist, you may wish to play a stirring Adele ballad. According to researchers, not only can our favorite songs be effective analgesics, but moving music may be especially potent. The pain-relieving effects of music have been known for a long time, with recent research suggesting the effect may even occur in infants and other studies revealing that people’s favored songs may have a greater analgesic effect than relaxing music.

    Valevicius and colleagues describe in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research how they asked 63 healthy participants to visit the Roy pain laboratory on the McGill campus, where researchers used a probe device to heat an area on their left arm, simulating the sensation of holding a hot cup of coffee against the skin.

    During the procedure, the participants listened to either two of their favorite songs, relaxing music selected for them, music that was scrambled, or silence. Participants were asked to rate the intensity and unpleasantness of the pain as the music, sound, or silence persisted.

    In comparison to silence or scrambled sound, participants rated their pain as four points less intense and nine points less disagreeable when listening to their favorite songs. The soothing music selected for them did not have this effect.

    Valevicius stated that it is improbable that the results are due to speculation. “We found a very strong correlation between the pleasantness of music and the unpleasantness of pain, but no correlation between the pleasantness of music and the intensity of pain, which is an unlikely finding if it were due to placebo or expectation effects,” he explained.

    Source: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/oct/25/listening-to-moving-music-may-reduce-pain-study-says

  • A McDonald’s restaurant in Sussex has banned an entire secondary school because of the behavior of one student. The prohibition prohibits Burgess Hill Academy students in West Sussex from purchasing a Big Mac or McCrispy chicken sandwich for lunch. The Sussex Police stated that it is aware of youth-related allegations of antisocial behavior in Burgess Hill.

    This means that all 1,086 students at the academy must avoid this McDonald’s location whenever they are donning their school uniform, regardless of whether they are at school or not. The school’s governing trust has apologized to the fast food chain for the incident and stated its commitment to “promoting respectful and responsible behavior.” It added that it “does not condone” the student’s behavior “regardless of whether it occurred prior to, during, or after school hours.”

    Source: https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/23/one-pupil-gets-whole-school-banned-from-mcdonalds-19708213/amp/

  • There are more and more location tracking apps for phones, like Life360. This could mean that teens and young adults are okay with their parents always knowing where they are. The number of downloads of Life360 has risen in the last two years. According to The Wall Street Journal, 33 million US families, or one in nine, now use the app.

    “If something happened to me, I think it would be useful for my parents to know my last location,” one 16-year-old told the Wall Street Journal.

    Tracking and sharing locations with friends on these apps is not only a safety measure, but also a way for young people to show love. According to Michael Sake, a senior professor in digital sociology at City, University of London, “that act is linked to intimacy.” He told The New York Times. “There’s a verification of being friends.”

    Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-happy-parents-tracking-location-apps-life360-2023-10?utm_campaign=business-sf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social

  • The iPhone 15 series, the latest flagship product from Apple Inc, has been introduced in Bangladesh by Executive Machines Limited (EML).

    In a statement issued on Thursday, October 26th, 2023, Abdul Matin, the Director of EML (Executive Machines Limited), confirmed the launch of their latest products. EML is recognized as an Apple Authorised Reseller and Apple Authorised Service Provider in Bangladesh and has been releasing new Apple gadgets to the market since 2008.

    The iPhone 15 series may be purchased at an initial cost of BDT 4,444 on an Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) basis, facilitated by many banks’ credit card options. Apple’s policy guarantees that every consumer is provided with a one-year warranty for official component replacement.

    The iPhone 15 series has seen remarkable advancements in its features compared to previous iterations. The iPhone 15 Pro is noteworthy for its pioneering features, particularly its aerospace-grade titanium design. This design is made using the same material that is utilized in spacecraft missions to Mars. This development is considered to be pioneering. The A17 Pro chip signifies a significant advancement, introducing a novel classification of CPUs for iPhones. The introduction of this chip represents a significant advancement in graphics capabilities, particularly in the domain of gaming, since it incorporates a Pro-class GPU that establishes new benchmarks for performance.

    In addition, the newly introduced Action button provides a convenient shortcut to access preferred functions. After customizing the settings according to your preferences, press and hold the designated button to initiate the desired action promptly.

    In a statement released on Thursday, October 26th, 2023, Abdul Matin, the Director of EML (Executive Machines Limited), confirmed the launch of their latest products. EML is recognized as an Apple Authorised Reseller and Apple Authorised Service Provider in Bangladesh and has presented new Apple gadgets to the market since 2008.

    From October 26, 2023, the iPhone 15 series will be available in the Executive Machines Limited showroom. Executive Machines Limited have their showroom in Gulshan-2, Bashundhara City, and IDB Bhaban. For more detailed information, please call: +8801977727753, +8801979727753, +8801973827753, +8801978827753, and +8801729227753.

  • প্রথম চার ম্যাচে তিন হার, তিনটাই আবার বড় ব্যবধানে। বিশ্বকাপে বাংলাদেশকে দলকে বাজি ধরা মুশকিল। তবে সাকিব আল হাসান ভাবছেন ভিন্ন। অন্যরা খারাপ করায় বরং ভালো সুযোগ দেখছেন তিনি। এই বিশ্বকাপে বাংলাদেশ এসেছে সেমিফাইনালের স্বপ্ন নিয়ে। সেই স্বপ্ন এখনো ভেঙে না গেলেও অর্জন করা বেশ কঠিন বাস্তবতা। বাকি থাকা পাঁচ ম্যাচের অন্তত চারটি জেতার বিকল্প নেই।

    সোমবার পাকিস্তান-আফগানিস্তান ম্যাচের আগ পর্যন্ত বাংলাদেশের অবস্থান পয়েন্ট টেবিলের ছয়ে। আর দুই ধাপ এগুলেই তো দৌড়ে আসা যাবে। সমস্যা হচ্ছে ছয়ে আছে বাংলাদেশ রানরেটের হিসাবে। যা যেকোনো মুহূর্তে বদলে যেতে পারে। সেমির আশা নিয়ে দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা ম্যাচের আগে প্রশ্ন করা হলে বাংলাদেশ অধিনায়ক ইংল্যান্ড, শ্রীলঙ্কার দিকে ইঙ্গিত করে দেন উত্তর, ‘৫ ম্যাচ বাকি আছে। যদি এখানে জিততে পারি তাহলে ভালো মোমেন্টাম আসবে। যদিও আমরা খুব বেশি ম্যাচ জিতিনি। পয়েন্ট টেবিল দেখলে মনে হবে না আমরা খুব বেশি বাজে অবস্থায় আছি সত্যি কথা (হাসি)। অন্যান্য দল আমাদের সাহায্য করছে। এখন আমাদের দায়িত্ব আমাদের নিজেদের সাহায্য করা।’ ভারতের মাঠগুলোতে প্রতি ম্যাচেই হচ্ছে রান বন্যা। তবে এসব উইকেটে ব্যাটারদের চেয়ে বোলারদের দায়িত্বই বেশি দেখেন সাকিব, ‘এমন একটা জায়গায় খেলা হচ্ছে যেখানে বোলাররা ভালো না করলে জেতার সম্ভাবনা খুব কম। এমন জায়গা যেখানে বোলাররাই জেতাতে পারে ম্যাচ অনেক সময়। এখানে সেটাই হয়ে থাকে। শেষ ম্যাচে অনেক রান হয়েছে আগে, পরে বোলাররা ভালো করেছে। অবশ্যই আমাদের অনেক ভালো ক্রিকেট খেলতে হবে। দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা ৪ ম্যাচের মধ্যে ৩ ম্যাচ জিতেছে। ওরা অনেক ভালো অবস্থায় আছে। এর মানে এটাই না যে আমাদের সব শেষ।’

    Source: The Daily Star

  • Guinness World Records confirmed yesterday that Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, has passed away at the age of 31 in Portugal. Bobi was a purebred Rafeiro Alentejano who resided his entire life in a village in central Portugal. He achieved an extraordinary lifespan of 31 years and 165 days, surpassing a record that had been in place since 1939, previously held by an Australian cattle-dog that lived for 29 years and 5 months.

    “Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough for those who loved him,” said Karen Becker, a veterinarian who met Bobi several times and who was the first to announce his death on social media. Bobi was officially recognized as the world’s oldest dog in February of this year. His breed, traditionally employed as sheepdogs, typically enjoys a life expectancy ranging from 12 to 14 years.

    Source: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/world/news/worlds-oldest-dog-bobi-dies-3451391

  • Elon Musk has extended an offer to donate $1 billion to Wikipedia on the condition that the free online encyclopedia alters its name to “D**kipedia” and maintains this change for a minimum of one year.

    This proposition emerged in response to criticism from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, who accused Musk of censoring critics of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. When a Twitter user encouraged Wikipedia to contemplate Musk’s proposal, he introduced another lighthearted condition, remarking, “@Wikipedia, Do it! You can always change it back after you collect.” Musk responded to this suggestion with a jest, stating, “One year minimum. I mean, I’m not a fool lol.”

    Source: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1716102436123783175?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1716102436123783175%7Ctwgr%5E91e06801deed37ba5acdd09cc68fdd0d1359734a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indy100.com%2Fcelebrities%2Felon-musk-billion-wikipedia-name

  • এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়েতে উঠলে ঢাকাকে ইউরোপ আর নিচে নামলেই গরিব মনে হয় বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন সড়ক পরিবহন ও সেতুমন্ত্রী ওবায়দুল কাদের। তিনি বলেন, ‘এয়ারপোর্ট থেকে এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়েতে উঠলে ঢাকাকে মনে হয় ইউরোপ। আর নামলেই আমাদের বাসগুলো দেখলে মনে হয় গরিব গরিব চেহারা। জীর্ণ, মুড়ির টিন চলছে। গায়ে লেখা “আল্লাহর নামে চলিলাম”।’

    আজ রোববার রাজধানীর ওসমানী স্মৃতি মিলনায়তনে নিরাপদ সড়ক দিবসের আলোচনা সভায় প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্যে ওবায়দুল কাদের এসব কথা বলেন। আলোচনা সভার আয়োজন করে সড়ক পরিবহন ও মহাসড়ক বিভাগ।

    রাজধানীতে চলাচল করা গণপরিবহনের অবস্থার সমালোচনা করে আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক ওবায়দুল কাদের বলেন, ‘জীর্ণ, মুড়ির টিন চলছে। গায়ে লেখা “আল্লাহর নামে চলিলাম”। আর যেতে যেতে খাদের মধ্যে অথবা পাশের আইল্যান্ডের ওপর। মালিক সমিতিকে বলব, এসব গাড়ি কীভাবে চলে ঢাকা শহরে?’

    বাসমালিকদের বাসগুলোকে মেরামত করে সুন্দর রাখার পরামর্শ দেন ওবায়দুল কাদের। তিনি কিছুটা ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করে বলেন, ‘এই কথা কতবার বললাম। কী লাভ হলো? কথা অনেক বলেছি। কথা কাজে পরিণত না হলে মূল্য থাকে না।’

    Source: https://www.prothomalo.com/bangladesh/capital/i281hhc73u
